Total Additional General Fund Dollars Needed to Restore EPD ALTCS Providers Above the Executive Budget for FY 2023 is $30M
Care Recipients & Caregivers We Want To HEAR from YOU!
The Problem
Organizations that provide Home and Community Based Services to the Elderly and Physically Disabled (EPD) populations under the Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS) - AHCCCS umbrella have been under unsustainable financial stress due to a lack of appropriate funding for nearly a decade.
During the Great Recession, reimbursement rates were reduced by 16% and have only been partially restored. The hourly minimum wage increases mandated by Prop. 206 combined with inflation, industry changes, and new requirements from the Affordable Care Act, Direct Care Workers Training and Testing, Companion Exemption rule change, pay for Travel time and Paid Sick Leave have left providers woefully underfunded.
As a result, providers are in crisis and businesses are beginning to close. Lutheran Social Services is closing their homecare division in Maricopa county March 2019. We can expect more providers to close their doors beginning January 2020 if adequate funding is not restored.
The Ask
In addition to the funding provided in the Executive’s budget request for the EPD ALTCS population in AHCCCS, the Elderly and Physically Disabled Providers Alliance – EPDPA encourages your support in providing funding that will restore the ability of service providers to pay their direct caregiving staff above the minimum wage, adjust rate reimbursement levels to compensate for changes in minimum wage and inflation so direct care workers can earn a living wage and the home care network can remain intact supporting people who chose home.
Prior to the enactment of Prop. 206, EPD direct caregiving staff were paid, on average, 16.5% above minimum wage. After the increase in the minimum wage, direct caregiving staff, on average, make less than 2.6% above the minimum wage (2018 AHCCCS Network Adequacy Study). As a result, wages have fallen significantly below the starting wages for positions in competing markets that were previously minimum wage jobs requiring much less skill and compassion.
Before Prop. 206, providers were able to pay up to $2.00/hour over minimum wage. This allowed for providers to successfully recruit and retain qualified caregivers. Following Prop. 206, beginning in January 2017 providers have only been able to pay qualified caregivers at the minimum wage. Not being able to pay above minimum wage caused the industry to lose 1,530 direct caregivers in Arizona for the first time - in a marketplace that has a growing need and is facing the prospect of needing to add 25,290 caregivers by 2026.
In FY 2008 the AHCCCS Rate for code S5125 (the most often billed code) EPD ALTCS providers was $18.00 when minimum wage was $6.90. In 2011 that rate was reduced to $15.52 - a 16% reduction. Today, in FY 2019 the current rate for S5125 is only $18.60 and minimum wage is $11.00 heading to $12.00 January 2020. The actual rate needed to restore the EPD Providers to FY 2008 levels in FY 2020 and to be able to pay direct caregivers over minimum wage would be $25.83 which is a 38.9% increase.
Compounding the problem, EPD Providers only receive, on average, 90% of the published rate by AHCCCS as the state’s 3 managed care program contractors who administer the program take, on average, 10% off the top.
Minimum Wage increases every year are indexed to CPI, making it critical to fund this ongoing need every budget cycle – first to meet the new minimum wage and second to address the need to pay the DCWs $15-$17/hr.
2023 Key Message
EPD Providers must be able to pay at least $3/hr. over minimum wage to be able to hire, train, and retain our workforce.
EPD providers are struggling to pay even $1.25/hr. over the current minimum wage of $13.85/hr. We are losing our workforce to other industries with higher wages, including fast food and retail, that pay $2.50 to $3.50/hr. more than minimum wage.
Minimum Wage increases every year on January 1st, indexed to the August over August Consumer Price Index, and is currently on track for a $0.90/hr. increase for January 2024.
This increase makes it critical to fund this ongoing need every budget cycle –
First, to meet the new minimum wage January 2024; and
Second, to address the need to pay the Direct Care Workers $16-$17.50/hr.
2022 Key Message
DCWs have proven their worth during the pandemic by keeping ALTCS members safe at home and out of acute and post-acute settings.
Minimum Wage continues to rise – Flagstaff and Tucson rates are above the rest of the state.
Providing in home non-medical services through EPD is saving the state nearly $2B annually over assisted living costs.
Demand to receive care at home continues to rise– We MUST attract and retain the workforce to meet demand and protect Arizona’s seniors and adults with disabilities right to choose home.
2021 Key Message
Direct Care Workers - DCWs are not minimum wage positions
DCWs are frontline healthcare workers who have risked their lives during the pandemic
$7.5M from proposed 2021 was lost due to COVID
The workforce has lost an entire year of progress to fair compensation
COVID-related expenses continue to rise
DCWs have proven their worth during this pandemic by keeping ALTCS members safe at home and out of the hospital
There will be an increased demand to age at home; we MUST attract and retain a workforce to meet this demand

Meet the Team
EPDPA's Board Members
Legislative Committee: Bob Roth, Sara Wilson
Coordinating the EPDPA legislative strategy
Coordinate with both Arizona and National key stakeholder organizations and associations
Membership Committee: Keffory Levy
Growing EPDPA membership and awareness
Communications Committee: Ashlee Jensen
Manage and develop web and social media content and strategy
Manage membership communication
Policies & Procedures Committee: Chris Rodriguez
Develop standardization of key policies and procedures and provide to membership
Innovation Committee: Chair Sara Wilson
Develop innovation ideas and strategies that will increase the value of DCW’s and elevate ALTCS HCBS services
Outreach Committee: Mike Endredy
Manage public outreach and campaigns