EPDPA Monthly Meetings
Board meets 2nd Tuesday of every month
Alliance members meet 3rd Thursday of every month
Join today to attend our next meeting!​
In The News!
EPDPA at the Capitol
April 12, 2022 - 8:30AM EPDPA members will meet with legislators to pass out popcorn, information and discuss the needs of HCBS.
Family Caregiver Day at the Capitol
March 11, 2021
The Family Caregiver Day at the Capitol is for family caregivers, friends, and supporters to learn about current issues and policies affecting caregiving. The Arizona Caregiver Coalition will present the
David Besst Award to an individual whose works and deeds have served to improve the quality of life for family caregivers and has inspired us to greater heights.
Location: In 2021 we will have a virtual event (Zoom)
There will be raffle prizes
Two interactive breakout sessions: attendees will meet in small groups to share stories
Key Agenda Items:
9:30 Welcome and Introductions
Key themes:
Advocating for caregivers – how to advocate and communicate your story
Important issues in caregiving
Sharing caregiver stories
Build your support network
1:00 pm Close